Episode # 93 – Introducing pronouns in Microsoft 365

In this episode of M365 Voice, we dive into one of the latest updates to Microsoft 365 – the pronouns feature. As part of Microsoft’s ongoing commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity, this feature allows users to add their preferred pronouns to their profiles. Join us as we explore the functionality, discuss best practices for enabling and managing pronouns, and examine where this information is stored within M365.


Episode # 73 – What does it take to become an MVP

After wrapping up a great week at the Microsoft MVP Summit, we thought about a special episode that talks about our experience in becoming a Microsoft MVP. We review the process to be nominated to an MVP, what are our passion about it, the benefits of having the award and what it means to all of us.


Episode # 60 – How do you deal with difficult IT projects or IT projects that go off the rails?

In this episode, we step away a bit from the technical discussion to share our experience about difficult IT projects. We discuss how we deal with projects that can go off the rails, whether it is related to scope, timing, budget, unexpected issues, or resources.


Episode # 42 – Get to know your podcasters

We kick-off 2021 with a Podcast to introduce ourselves. This get to know your podcasters’ podcast is an opportunity for us to share with our audience our personal information, experience, what we like and do not like, and a brief overview of our daily lives.


Episode # 41 – Our Microsoft 365 favorite moments of 2020

In this episode, we do a year in review of 2020 and what were our personal favorite moments of 2020. We talk about various technical and no-technical events, features, community contributions and the lifestyle changed by Covid-19. We reviewed many new features, and we shared our perspectives on each one of them. This is the last episode of 2020 and we will resume in early 2021 with the hope of a better year ahead. Happy New Year!


Episode # 37 – Battling Fear and Toxicity in the Workplace

We have the pleasure in this episode to host Heather, Power Platform Community Success Lead with Microsoft to talk about a dear topic to all of us. Heather is a leader in the Tech Community space and frequent speaker in many events and online promoting diversity, inclusion, equality, and a healthy workplace environment. Heather shares with us great tips on this sensitive subject and we learned so much from her own experience in this space.


Episode # 16 – How much control do you enforce on Microsoft 365 services

In this episode, we answer the question about controls in Microsoft 365. This is a broad question that requires multiple answers from different angles. We addressed by talking about:


Episode # 9 – Working from home

In this episode, we share our experience in working from home and how we are leveraging technologies like Microsoft Teams to stay connected with your peers. In addition to sharing our daily activities in a WFH environment, we dive into some Microsoft Teams features that will be very helpful in managing your online meeting and video chats.


Episode # 1 – Introducing M365 Voice

In this short episode, we will briefly talk about the M365 Voice podcasts, the purpose and the details of our future podcasts. This is an introductory podcast about the M365 VoicePodcast; it describes the type of podcasts, the frequency and the format. We will be talking about the Microsoft M365 suite, specifically about #Office365, #EMS, and #Windows10. Our Podcast will be monthly published on this site, YouTube channel and Apple Podcast.