Category: Microsoft 365
Episode 128 – Manage Self-service purchases in M365
In this episode, Sarah, Antonio, and Mike discussed the issues with Microsoft’s self-service purchase capabilities for Microsoft 365 applications, particularly Copilot. We highlighted the potential financial and legal risks for organizations when employees purchase products using personal or departmental credit cards without admin approval. Antonio showed where and how to disable this setting for each application, and our opinion on how to manage it.
Episode 125 – New M365 Features in 2025
This episode focuses on the upcoming features in the Microsoft 365 roadmap for the first half of 2025. We will discuss our preferred features that are scheduled for release within the next six months and examine their potential impact on your tenant.
Episode 109 – Accessibility within Microsoft tools
In this episode, we continue our talk about the accessibility features within Microsoft, and specifically the ease-of-use features of:
- Focus feature on Windows 11
- Color filters feature in Windows 11
- Read aloud, a feature that we had fun trying out during the podcast and it worked really well.
Episode #100 – Special Edition
In honor of reaching our remarkable milestone of 100 episodes, we proudly present a star-studded lineup of distinguished guests who have graced our previous podcasts. Joining us for this special occasion are Karuana Gatimu, Microsoft Principal Program Manager, Customer Advocacy Group; Heidi Jordan, Senior Modern Workplace with Avanade; and Mark Kashman, Senior Product Manager at Microsoft. In this special edition, we recapped some of the previous episodes, talk about the community work all our super star guests have contributed to over the years, and we chat about the latest product announcements within the M365 and Power Platform stacks.
Episode # 88 – Our M365 areas of investments in 2023
In this episode, we share with our audience our personal investment in Microsoft 365 in 2023. We discuss what areas we want to focus on, learn, and improve on. Let us know what you think of this personal list and what is your improvement list for 2023?
Episode # 75 – Live from the M365 Conference – Question 2
We are live again from the M365 conference in as Vegas, asking some of the speakers about: What M365 application do you start your workday in everyday? We have two teams: Team Antonio and Team Sarah & Mike. Watch until the end to find out who won!
Episode # 74 – Live from the Microsoft 365 Conference – Part 1
We are live from the Microsoft 365 Conference in Las Vegas, recoding in person, and interviewing few speakers about two questions. In this episode – question 1, we ask our guests about their opinion on inbox zero, is it achievable or a loaded book. We split the podcasters into Team Sarah and Team Mike; watch until the end to find out who won!
Episode # 69 – How do you protect Global Admin accounts ?
In this episode, we discuss the best practices managing Global Admin accounts, how to properly secure them and steps to make sure you protect confidential information from Global Admins. We review few secure methods that can prevent illegal access to your tenant, and you can control this privileged access to your content.
Episode # 68 – How often do you re-certify/re-attest your content in M365
In this episode we discuss re-certifying or re-attesting your content in Microsoft 365 to meet compliance or regulation within your organization. Often, companies would like to have the content owners to re-validate their content permission, to make sure the content is only accessible by the right people. We discuss the options to re-attest the content and what options are taken against old content.
Episode # 56 – M365 Information Architecture – How much control does your organization have?
In this episode, we discuss a very popular topic about your information architecture in M365. Where do you stop your control over your information architecture in M3365, specifically in SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams? Where do you draw the line allowing your business users to manage your SharePoint sites, lists, library, folder, or metadata. Do you go the wild west route, allowing the users to manage the information, or do you have a governing body manage that?